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I have some pins that are green with the outline of the bases - have the head shot of the player and their name in script do you have any information?
What you have is
a great collection of 1956 Yellow Basepath pins. The 32 pin set is
very sought after, and sell between $50. and $1,200 each depending
on player, and condition. These green pins with yellow base paths have the facsimile signature of the respective ballplayer at the bottom. The pins were made available in gumball machines in 1956 for a penny.
Mickey Mantle the high end pin professionally graded in Near min /
mint condition has sold for $1,200 at auction. In excellent
condition (non graded) the pin sells for about $500.
Duke Snider in good condition recently sold for $114. on eBay. I
put together a page with a list of players from this set with some
estimated prices based on past auctions. You may view it here: 1956 PM15 Yellow Basepath 32-pin set
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I have a Brooklyn
Dodgers pin from the 1955 World Series (picture inserted) How
much is it worth?
The pin you have
is not from 1955, and was made after 1970. The red, white, and
blue major league Logo with the silhouetted batter pictured on
your pin was first introduced in 1969. This 100 anniversary logo
is still used today. The "fantasy pin" you have is an
official reproduction, and is part of a set made to celebrate past
championships. The pin is worth about $5.-$10.
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