- CIRCA - 1937
- PRODUCT - Wheaties
- ADVERTISER - General Mills
- SIZE - 2.5" x 5"
- PRICE GUIDE - $20.00-$30.00
Excellent - Near Mint Condition
The 1937 "Breakfast of
Champions" cereal bowl was part of a
special offer, given away free
with the purchase of two packages of
Wheaties cereal. Around the outside of
the white milk glass bowls, are red
silhouettes depicting sports champions
in action; Robert (Bob) Feller
(baseball), Lawson Little (Golf), Joe DiMaggio
Ellsworth Vines Jr. (Tennis), Kit Klein
(speed skater), Jack
Armstrong (basketball), Babe Didrikson
(track & Field), Jane Fauntz
(springboard diving), Red Grange
The Athletes name is featured below each silhouette. Along the top of the
bowl, which measures 5" in diameter
reads; "Eat A Breakfast Of Champions."
The free premium bowls were made
available at the local grocer, and
issued following
both New York Yankees Joe DiMaggio, and
Cleveland Indians Bob Feller's, 1936
Rookie Year.
1937 Wheaties
Advertising Premium Cereal Bowl |
Ellsworth Vines Jr, Kit Klein |
Jack Armstrong, Babe Didrikson |
Jane Fauntz , Red Grange |
Robert Feller, Lawson
Little, Joe DiMaggio |
White Milk Glass Cereal
Bowl |