In 1960 the Continental Cigar Company,
makers of Bat Cigars ran a Louisville
Slugger baseball bat promotion. For
only $2.00, and two empty Bat cigar
5-paks, you had your choice of a
Louisville Slugger Softball or Little
League baseball bat. The inside of this
20 strike matchbook features the offer
that reads; "Get Famous, Louisville
Slugger * Softball or Little League,
Baseball Bats, for Your Son - Nephew
-Grandson - Or For Your Own Team No
Limit, - Pick Up A Bat 5-Pak For,
Further Details." The back of each
5-pak Bat Cigars had an order form for
the Louisville Slugger offer on the
The front panel of the matchbook depicts a red silhouette of a batter on
the left, swinging a bat and reads;
"Change Your Thinking, Step Up to Bat
Cigars." And "Mild...Mild...Mild" at
the bottom. The saddle reads
Mild...Mild...Mild" as well. The back
depicts a a 5-pak of Bat cigars on the
left and reads; "A Truly Fine, Cigar
With..., Long..., Long..., Mild,
Filler, Light, One Up, You'll Make A