Nehi is a flavored soft drink
introduced in 1924 by Chero-Cola. The
Nehi fruit-flavored sodas became
popular, and in 1955, the company
changed its name to Royal Crown
Company, after the success of its RC
Cola brand. In 1942 Coca-Cola filed a
complaint against Nehi Corporation
makers of Royal Crown Cola, from using
the name Royal Crown Cola, RC Cola, and
the word "cola." The court ruled that
the name cola does not infringe any
right of any producer of soft drinks;
that "cola" is a generic word to which
no manufacturer has an exclusive right,
and is unrestricted as any other word
as chocolate, root beer, ginger ale,
etc. The case was dismissed.
Around 1927 to 1931, Nehi offered
premiums for every member of the
family. Drink Nehi Quality Beverages,
save the crowns (bottle caps) and use
them with a small amount of cash to
obtain select premiums from a catalog
that could be picked up at a local
retailer. For 85 crowns and .85¢ you
could get a
Goldsmith No. 97 Official League
baseball, or Fielders glove. The
trademark logo illustrated on the ball
can be dated to 1912-1926.