This is a
Fake 1952 Ted's Root Beer
cardboard advertising sign. Ted Williams was
employed by the Moxie Corporation as
Assistant Advertising Manager for a
period of 5 years starting November 1,
1957, at a salary of $1,000 per year,
with an option to buy 50,000 shares in
the company.
Source -Moxie Encyclopedia
Volume 1 by Q. David Bowers
Shortly after Ted
Williams Signed on, in December of 1957
the Moxie Corp. introduced "Ted's Root
Beer". The product was put out in 8 and
12 oz bottles, and was still being
marketed as late as 1967, before being
phased out of production. This sign as
others being sold on eBay as original
has a
copyright of 1952.
In 1952 Ted Williams was not promoting Root Beer. After six games in 1952
Williams was called up to active duty
in the Korean War. Williams a pilot
flew combat missions over Korea. Hit by
small-arms fire during one run,
Williams crash-landed his crippled jet
and escaped from the flaming wreckage
as he said "Faster than Mickey Mantle"
He returned after 39 missions in 1953.
Tin reproductions of this Ted's Root Beer sign are very common, and are
available for $10. - $15. each. The tin
signs are not being sold as original,
only as a reproduction fantasy piece.
When trying to find the value of the
original sign I found the tin sign
listed, and it only noted that the
original sign is very rare. No price
was given. This sign is so rare, and
yet I have seen 6 on eBay this past
year without looking for it. Sellers of
these signs commonly sell them with a
private auction with the buyers ID kept
hidden. Details, and pictures of the
sign are quickly removed when the
auction is closed.
The fake signs are not limited to just the Ted's Root Beer signs. As
reported by sportscollectorsdaily.com
The I-70 Fake-o-Rama?
Ted's Root Beer Fake
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