J. deBeer & Son Latex
Mold Baseball Pat.
2242455 |
Item Details |
- 1941 (Patent)
J. deBeer & Son
- 9
- $20.00 - $30.00
Excellent-Near Mint
Because of the
scarcity of this
baseball and lack
of sales data the
value is estimated
based on selling
prices of baseballs
with similar
history and age.
Provided by:
The patent No. 2,242,455 on this Parvey MFG Co., Big League baseball is
from 1941 filed by Fedrick deBeer of J.
deBeer & Son. The patent is for a
method of manufacturing a ball at a
cheaper cost as compared with the sewed
leather-covered baseball, taking less
time to make, and which will maintain
its form and resiliency when subjected
to the rough usage. The ball was
manufactured the same as with the
conventional method, but after the
winding of yarn around the core, under
pressure a mixture of latex and
thickener would form an outer surface
which would serve as the cover.
The outer latex cover is molded to simulate the appearance of leather. A
depression is made giving the
appearance of a baseball seam then the
latex material is painted or inked onto
the ball with a figure-eight line of
short angular marks suggestive of
stitching. A problem with the J. deBeer
& son method was the lines of the
underlying yarn winding were clearly
visible because of the thin pre-formed
outer skin. The outer layer of latex
separate from the inner layer tends to
stiffen and become fragile. Then in a
short time when the ball is batted the
pre-formed skin breaks and peels off.
The stitch simulating ridge being an
additive formation is quickly worn off
in use.
In 1953
H. Harwood & Sons was granted a patent,
2645487, that Improved on this method by
simply making the latex coating thicker
and in one layer. The J. deBeer & Son,
Anchor Brand Softball below with the
patent no. 2242455 can be dated to
1955 or later. The Anchor Brand logo
features the Racol symbol AKA,
Registered Trademark circled (R), which
was first used in 1947. J. deBeer & son
used "Trade Mark Reg" on their logos up
until 1954, and added the Registered
Trademark circled (R) in 1955.
J. deBeer & Son -
Anchor Brand Latex Mold
Baseball Patent 2242455 |
Patent No. 2,242,455
Parvey MFG Co. Baseball |
Parvey MFG Co. baseball
with J. deBeer Patent |
Underlying yarn
winding visible |
Anchor Brand Latex Mold Covered Softball |
Pat. 2,242,455 J. deBeer & Son-Anchor Brand Softball |
Patent 2242455
J. deBeer & Son Softball |