- Hillcrest
Sporting Goods Inc.
- Louisville
Hillcrest Sporting Goods Inc., with
a warehouse located in Queens
Village, NY, was a sporting goods
distributor, which operated from about
1962 to 1981. The company had a
business relationship with the Trio
Sporting Goods MFG. Company. Both
companies distributed imported and
domestic sporting goods. Like "Trio
Hollander," Hillcrest imported
baseball gloves from the Far East, made
from leather processed by A.J.
Hollander. Hillcrest used the
"Hollander" brand name for gloves in
their catalog.
Baseball bats for both companies, were made by Louisville Slugger.
Sometime around 1967 Hillcrest sporting
Goods issued The Joe DiMaggio signature
line of baseball bats. The Mickey
Mantle signature Line of bats, came
shortly after.
Block letter endorsements for both brands included; BA 3 Collegiate -Al
Kaline Model, BA 3 Harmon Killebrew
Special, BA 5 Special Major League
Mickey Mantle, BA 5 Special Major
League Yogi Berra, and BA 7 Roger Maris
BA 33 - Big Leaguer models included; Jackie Robinson, Mickey Mantle,
Johnny Callison, Brooks Robinson,
Roberto Clemente, Rocky Colavito, and
Al Kaline. Approved Little League
models; L 44 Mickey Mantle, L 44 Roger
Maris, L 49 Roger Maris, L 46 (black
bat) Mickey Mantle, L 49 Ed Mathews, L
49 Harmon Killebrew, L 49 Hank
Aaron, and L 53 Approved Little
League Softball bats included SB 82
Official Softball Model, SB 89 (black
bat) Official Softball Model and RB
Power Plus.
Hillcrest Sporting Goods Inc.
Joe DiMaggio & Mickey Mantle
Line of Baseball Bats |
The Joe DiMaggio Line BA
33 Baseball Bat (Ad
Below) |