This "PRO TREATED" Hanna Batrite No.
WTA Mantle Style baseball bat was
manufactured by the Hanna Manufacturing
Company. Hanna produced Baseball
bats in Athens, GA. from 1926 until
they went out of business in 1976. The
Hanna Batrite No. WTA Pro Treated
baseball bat was offered for a number
of years, with various "Player Style"
endorsements. The center brand
at the top with " REG. US. PAT. OFF.
ATHENS, GA." Below. The "Northern
Ash" stamp to the right. Some years do
not have this stamp.
The Hanna Batrite
WTA Pro Treated Bats were advertised as
follows: " These bat are made of the
finest Northern white ash, treated with
the exclusive Hanna Non-Chipping
Process, and finished with a clear,
tough finish leaving the barrels of the
bats with the color of this treatment
process, with the handles of natural
white color. supplied in player styles
listed on page 6 ....Length 33" -36" each $4.25"
Player " Style" Baseball Bat endorsements include: Ruth, DiMaggio,
Williams, Musial, Robinson, Mathews,
Mantle, Berra, Groat, Banks, Ashburn,
Aaron, Maris, Kaline, Fox, Killebrew,
colavito, Kubeck, Kell.