Western Auto Stores
Circle Arrow Logo |
1952 Western's Baseball Bat
Newspaper Coupon |
1959 Western Auto Revelation
Bat Ad |
Western Auto Stores Revelation Baseball Bats |
Circa 1956-1980s
Western Auto Associate Stores
Western Auto Supply Company—known more
widely as Western Auto—was a specialty
retail chain of stores that supplied
automobile parts and accessories.
Western Auto primarily sold products
under their own private labels,
including tires, batteries,
electronics, appliances, and tools.
Western Auto also sold sporting goods,
using the "Western's" private
store brand.
From about 1948 to 1956, baseballs,
baseball gloves and
bats featured
the "Western's" Western Auto circle
arrow logo. From 1956 through to the
1980s, Western Auto Associate Stores
sold Sporting goods under the private
"Revelation" label, which at first
featured the western Auto circle arrow.
In 1965 the
circle arrow was removed, leaving just
the "Revelation" script logo. Western
Auto issued baseball bats with the
"Wizard" branding around 1947. Wizard was a private
name brand used for appliances, tools,
and typewriters.
Pre 1965 Revelation Circle Arrow brand block letter player endorsed
baseball bats include: Yogi Berra Model
Major League No. G1436; Pee Wee
Reese Model Major League No.G1436; Kell
Type Semi-Pro No. G1470; Thomson Type
Semi-Pro No. G1470; Stephens Style
Semi-Pro No. G1470; Ted Kluszewski
Model Professional No. G1475; Kaline
Type Professional Model No. GC1475
Post 1965 Revelation® brand block letter player endorsed baseball bats include:
Jackie Robinson Semi-Pro No. GC1470; Colavito Style Semi-Pro No. GC1470; Rod
Carew Model Major League No. GC1435;
Mickey Mantle Model Major League No.
GC1436; Brooks Robinson Model Major
League No. GC1436;
Norm Cash Model Major League No.
GC1436; Henry Aaron Professional Special
No. GC1437;
Roger Maris Special Professional No.
Kaline Type Little League GC1480; Ernie
Banks Little League No. GC1480; Roberto
Clemente Little League No. GC1480;
Frank Robinson Little League No.
GC1480; Pete Rose Little League No.
GC1480; Joe Morgan Little League No.
Western Auto Stores
Revelation Baseball Bats |
1965-1980 |
1948-1955 |
Western Auto Stores
1947 Wizard Baseball Bat |