The Winchester Repeating Arms
Company was a prominent American
manufacturer of repeating firearms and
ammunition. The firm was established in
1866 by Oliver Winchester and was
located in New Haven, Connecticut.
Following the end of World War I,
Winchester expanded into other areas of
manufacture and product distribution.
After borrowing heavily to finance its
massive expansion, the company
attempted to use its surplus production
capacity to pay its debt.
Winchester adopted existing stores to carry the Winchester products which
become a "Winchester Store." Marketing
consumer goods through "Winchester
Stores" the company put the famous
Winchester brand on nearly everything
from tools, housewares, hardware items,
and sporting goods. The firm went into
receivership in 1931 and was bought by
the Western Cartridge Company.
There were three basic center brands used during the 1920s. The
Professional Oil Finish made of best
quality two year seasoned, straight
grain white ash, carefully inspected to
eliminate all cross grain, knots, bark,
worm holes or any other slighten
imperfection. Inspected five times
during the manufacture and finishes
with oil finish to bring out the
quality of the grain to best advantage.
Given a final inspection for hang, and
balance. Made in eight models and in
the different lengths and weights.
(specifications pictured below)
Professional Oil Finish 2400 series models include: 2402 BR; 2404 FF; 2406
KW; 2407 TC; 2408 GK; 2409 TS;
2410 RH; and 2411 ER. The choice of
models offers a bat to meet the needs
of professional requirements. The
letters listed appear on the knob end,
and suggest a professional ball player
such as "BR" Babe Ruth, or "TC" Ty
Other models offered include: 2300, 2302, 2306, 2309 Super Quality; 2440
Fungo; 2700 College League;
2725 Junior
League; 2804 Sandlot League;
2825 Boy's Special; 2880 Official
Indoor; 2890 Playground; 2900, Sandlot
League; 2925 Boy's League.
Winchester Repeating
Arms Co. Baseball Bats |
1924 Professional Oil Finish
Baseball Bat Models |