Rayex "Glareproof" Polarized
Flip-up Baseball Sunglasses were also
ideal for golf, skiing, fishing, beach,
and boating! The adjustable one-size
fits all elastic safety strap will fit
any head. The box for the Eastman
Kodacel plastic sunglasses features a
"Polar Eyes Test" disc, where you can
see Polarization in action from the
back and reads: "Look through the disc
and retain tag in front of your
polarized sunglass lens. Only direct
light will penetrate your polarized
lenses ... Reflected glare will be
blocked out."
The flip-up sunglasses was invented and patented in 1915 by Hall of Famer
Fred Clarke. Unlike the modern-era
flip-style, these glasses were actually
bolted into the brim of the hat, and
were of metal construction except for
the lenses. The Fred Clarke Sun glasses
were advertised in the Spalding catalog
at $10.00 a pair, "Complete with
attachment for fastening to cap."
Clarke was the player-manager for four
of Pittsburgh’s pennants.