The Sporting News
Yankee Stadium Amadee
Print |
Item Details |
- 1987
The Sporting News
16" x
Excellent - Near
Mint Condition
Provided by:

The Sporting News "Take Me Out To The Ball Park" by
Lowell Reidenbaugh features profiles of
the great major league ballparks, with
illustrated drawings and photographs.
Ballpark drawings were done by sports
cartoonists Amadee Wohlschlaeger, and
Gene Mack. Amadee, as he signs his
work, was a St. Louis Post Dispatch
cartoonist. His work appeared
frequently on the pages of the Sporting
News. The work of Gene Mack, a
cartoonist for the Boston Globe for 35
years, was published in a book by the
Sporting News in 1947.
The Sporting News published large 16 by 22 inch prints featuring
the works of Gene Mack and Amadee from
the 1983 book "Take Me Out To The Ball
Park." The Ballpark prints were
made available through the mail for
$7.00 each, by using a form provided in
The Sporting News. Additional prints
were offered at a discount; two prints
for $12.00, three prints for $16.00.
Additional prints were $3.00 each.
Shipping & handling $2.00 per order.
Each of baseball's most
celebrated stadiums in this series,
contains facts, quips, and anecdotes.
The "Yankee Stadium, New York" as it's
titled on the print at the bottom,
reads; "Seating Capacity 57,545 - First
Game April 18, 1923" below. To the left
reads; "Copyright 1990, The Sporting
News Publishing Company"
Four New York Yankee players are depicted in sketched portraits, in each
corner of the print. Top
left corner; "Joltin' Joe
DiMaggio Started his 56 game hitting
streak here, May 15. 1941" Top Right
corner; "Babe Ruth 'Sultan Of Swat':
714 life time homers, 690 career
slugging average, 60 home runs in '27,
177 runs scored in '21" Bottom left
corner; "Mickey Mantle - Mantle hits
500th career homer, May 14, 1967"
Bottom right corner; Lou Gehrig Day,
July 4, 1939... "... Today I consider
myself the luckiest man on the face of
the earth"
The print which has a gold-line
inner border, plus a blue-gray mat design, also features; Casey Stengel, Mr.
October Reggie Jackson, White Sox Tom Seaver 300th win game, Roger Maris, and
more. This print is also featured on
the dust jacket. Some of the other
35 ballpark prints include; Arlington
Stadium, Comiskey Park, Fenway Park,
Memorial Stadium, Shibe Park, Shea
Stadium, by Amadee, and Braves Field,
Ebbets Field, Forbes Field, Griffith
Stadium, Polo Grounds, and Sportsman's
Park, by Gee Mack.
The Sporting News
Yankee Stadium Amandee Print |
'Take Me Out To The Ball Park' Cover |
Page 191 Yankee Stadium By Amandee |
Shibe Park By Gene Mack |
Fenway Park by Amandee |
Ebbets Field By Gene
Mack |
The Sporting News
Ballpark Prints Checklist |