Walt Disney Wonder
Tales "Casey At The
Bat" 9182 |
Item Details |
- Late 1960s
- Encyclopedia
Britannica Films
35mm Film
Canister 1.5”
diameter,1.5” tall.
Very Good-Excellent condition (in labeled
Provided by:
In 1943 Encyclopedia Britannica
acquired ERPI. Films and formed the
Encyclopedia Britannica Films
Incorporated. With a film library of
over 9,500 prints, Britannica compiled
the largest classroom library in the
world by 1946. A Rent-To-Own program
was formed so schools can keep the
films and have a library of their own.
Films in the Encyclopedia Britannica Films library cover almost every
subject taught in schools from
kindergarten through high school.
Science films begin with primary
subjects such as "Gray Squirrel" and
"Animals of the Zoo" and go on to
advanced subjects like "Molecular
Theory of Matter," "'Thermodynamics,'
"Vacuum Tubes" and "Electrodynamics."
Films in biology, health and hygiene,
geography, home economics, athletics,
history, social studies and
mathematics, also make up the more than
250 different sound film subjects
produced by EB Films.
Sometime after 1963 (as evident by a zip-code on a sheet that came with the
films) Britannica issued a series of
"Walt Disney Wonder Films," 9180-9188
C-SI, which included classic stories;
Johnny Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet,
Little Toot, Pedro the Little Airplane, Brer Rabbit Runs Away, Willie the
Operatic Whale, Adventures of Paul
Bunyan, and Casey at the Bat.
Walt Disney's
At The Bat" was released in 1946. As
credited at the start of the silent
film slide: "Adapted from the ballad of the same
title as dramatized in the Walt Disney
motion picture "Make Mine Music."
The lid on the 1.5” diameter, 1.5” tall
plastic red canister provides title
information, and features the "EB"
Encyclopedia Britannica Films Inc.
logo. Inside is the 35MM filmstrip.
Walt Disney Wonder
Tales "Casey At The Bat" |
Opened Plastic Canister |
"Start" Film Strip |