A Junior Book, Published by William Morrow & Company;
"Man In A Cage" by Jackson Scholz, is
the story of Ted Kirby and how he found
himself as a ball player filling in for
a missing batboy for the Boston
Pilgrims: Ted was waiting in the
Florida sunshine, to buy a ticket for
the ball game when he was asked to help
out the Boston Pilgrims, whose bat boy
was missing that afternoon.
It was Ted's first step away from the world of the circus, where he was
learning to be a lion trainer, the man
who gets into the cage with the big
cats. The next step came soon. The
situation at the circus suddenly
changed; and the Pilgrim manager,
discovering that his new batboy had
possibilities as a catcher, offered him
a contract.
How Ted found himself as a ballplayer is the climax of a baseball story
with a new twist, in which Mr. Schotz
provides plenty of exciting diamond
action and some equally exciting circus