"Take Your Girl to the Ball Game" - Geo M.
Cohan and Jerome & Schwartz 1908 Sheet Music |
"Take Your Gil To
The Ball Game" Sheet Music |
Item Details |
- 1908
- Cohan & Harris
Publishing Co.
x 14"
- $35.00-$75.00
Very Good - Excellent condition
Provided by:
Day's after Albert Von Tilzer and
Jack Norworth’s "Take Me Out
to the Ball Game" was published, George M. Cohan’s
song “Take Your Girl to the
Ball Game” was released. The May 2,
1908, issue of Variety points out the
similarities between the newly
published baseball songs:
TITLES ALIKE. Two songs about
the national summer game bearing nearly
precisely the same titles have been the
talk of the popular music trade the
past week. “Take Your Girl to the Ball
Game,” by Geo. M. Cohan, Wim. Jerome
and Jean Schwartz, published by the
Cohan & Harris Company, is one, while
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game" by Jack
Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer,
published by the New York Music
Company, is the other. Neither of the
publishing firms makes the usual claims
when a similarity in theme or title
arises. It is admitted that this
instance is simply peculiar."
Dedicated to the National game, "Take Your Girl to the Ball Game" by Geo.
Cohan, W.M. Jerome, and Jean Schwartz,
was billed as a novelty summer waltz
song and a home Run hit. The song was
registered for copyright on May 8, six
days after “Take Me Out to the Ball
Game.” Cohan & Harris advertised in
Variety magazine trying to capitalize
on their patriotic hit of 1904 "The
Yankee Doodle Boy," but the song was a
flop. Jack Norworth and Albert Von
Tilzer's, "Take Me out to the Ball
Game" went on to become the official
anthem of baseball.
"Take Your Girl to
the Ball Game" Sheet Music |
Your Girl to the Ball
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Your Girl to the Ball
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"Take Your Girl
to the Ball Game" - Lyrics
Composed by Geo M. Cohan and Jerome & Schwartz, 1908
Coney Island’s all right,
It’s a fine place at night,
But the place that’s the money to me,
Is the park where they play,
Classy ball every day,
Talk of sport,
It’s the big Jubilee!
At the shout of “Play Ball”
I’m just daffy that’s all,
As I sit with my queen like a king,
With her score card in hand,
Mamie looks more than grand,
To the rooters around me I sing:
Take your girl to the ball game,
Any old afternoon.
That’s the spot to propose to Mame,
The spot for a sunshiny spoon.
Make a fan of your steady girl,
If you lose her I’ll take all the blame.
In the stand, It’s just grand,
As she squeezes your hand,
At the base ball game