The Psychologist At Bat by Dr. David Tracy
Foreword by J. G. Taylor Spink |
The Psychologist At Bat
by Dr. David Tracy |
Item Details |
First Edition
(January 1, 1951)
- Sterling
- Hardcover
- Baseball,
- 5.25" x
8.25" (158 pages)
PRICE GUIDE- $20.00-$40.00
Very Good -
Excellent Condition
Provided by:

The Psychologist at Bat is a book
written by David Farrell Tracy about
his experiences with the St. Louis
Browns baseball team. The book was
published in 1951 by Sterling
Publishing Company, with the foreword
written by J. G. Taylor Spink of The
Sporting News.
David F. Tracy, the first psychologist ever attached to the staff of major
league baseball team reveals in detail
the methods he uses to transform
nervous rookies failing veterans and
perpetual in-and-outers into
self-confident baseball players. Tracy
draws on his experiences with the
American league St Louis Browns to
present psychological reasons for
puzzling actions on and off the field
in language that fans of all ages can
There is one chapter on helping ball players overcome fear of crowds, His
technique here is to learn a type
hypnosis and thus to concentrate. He
says that Tom Ferrick was one of his
best students, and that Tom developed
into a star relief pitcher. One
suggestion he made to Ferrick was that
if anything upset him, to walk off the
mound and take three deep breaths so
that the blood would circulate to his
lungs and through his body.
There is another chapter on "The round ball and the round bat," in which
he emphasizes keeping the eye on the
ball and relaxing. He says that against
the Browns one day, Luke Appling showed
control hitting by fouling off 35
pitches in one at-bat. "When the Browns
started riding him, he directed one of
the fouls Into our dugout. Appling's
secret was in being able to relax at
the plate."
Dr. Tracy says his experiment with the Browns was neither success nor
failure, in his mind. But he declares
that he did one thing: He made the
baseball world aware of its lag in
accepting psychology. He talks of the
importance a
manager-coach-psychologist to sit on
the bench. He says that psychologist
training could better begin back in the
minors. But he says the training he
gave the Browns was limited in scope,
because of the opposition of the
The Psychologist
At Bat by Dr. David Tracy |
Contents |
by J. G. Taylor Spink |