Standard Care Instructions |
1948 Ted Williams Nabisco Baseball Action Ring |
1948 Ted Williams
Baseball Nabisco Cereal
Ring |
Item Details |
- 1948
- Nabisco
Adjustable - 2"
- $150.00 - $300.00
- Near Mint Condition
Add $100.-$200.
with original box,
and letter.
Provided by:
The Ted Williams Baseball Action Ring
was made available as a premium by
Nabisco in 1948; by mailing in a coupon
with .15 cents, and one box top from
Nabisco Shredded Wheat. The ring is a
gold-color metal with anti-tarnish
finish, and has a plastic batter at the
top. "It Really works....the batter
swings with real World Series form!" A
tab on the base allows the figure to
swing the bat when the tab is turned.
The side of the ring has a crossed bats
and ball raised relief below the Ted
Williams autograph. The ring commonly
came in a basic shipping box along with
a letter from Ted Williams on how to
care for your Nabisco Shredded Wheat
"Baseball Action Ring."
The Letter
on how to care for the ring depicts Ted Williams at the
top, with "Dear Friend:" to the right.
The letter had a coupon attached, for
ordering additional rings. Both have a
Ted Williams facsimile signature at the
bottom. The standard shipping box also
came with a blue "Boys and Girls
Notice" with 3 suggestions on
caring for the ring. As noted by
one of the care instructions: "By
following these simple suggestions you
can keep it in good condition for a
ling time: Adjust it to the exact size
of your finger. Always keep it out of
water and take it off when playing
games." There are a small number of
these premium rings that survived to make it
into today's market. Some have made it
without the ball.