- CIRCA - 1987
- ADVERTISER - Fuji Photo Film
- SIZE - 4" x 6.25"
- PRICE GUIDE - $10.00-$15.00
Excellent - Near Mint Condition
a 1987 "Double Header" promotion; Fuji
offered a Free baseball with a Mickey
Mantle "Autograph Imprint" (facsimile)
by mail with three proof of purchase
from Fuji Film, a Free $1.00 Coupon
good on your next purchase of Fuji
Film, by mail with two proof of
purchase from Fuji Film, or Both with
five proof of purchase from Fuji Film.
Proof-of-purchase are empty Fuji Film
boxes, 15 exposures or more with the
words "Manufactured for the U.S.A."
Both offers must be accompanied with a
cash register receipt dated June 1,
1987-August 31, 1987, with the price
This "Take One" Free baseball/$1.00 Film coupon Offer order Form, was made
available at photo stores that carried
Fuji film. The front top of the "Fuji
Double Header" order form pictures
Mickey Mantle and the stamped signature
baseball. "Complete Details" are on the
reverse side.
Fuji Photo Film signed Mickey Mantle in 1987 which he represented the firm
at functions or conventions.
Wholesalers and suppliers would lineup,
often 20 deep at the Fuji booth to meet
Mickey Mantle, shake his hand, get an
autograph and have their picture taken
with him - on Fuji Film, of course -
against a full color backdrop of Yankee
Stadium. Mantle also did a
"Home Run Game" promotion for Fuji
in 1987.
1940-1950 Gillette
World Series Broadcast
Mechanical Pencils |
1987 Newspaper Ad |
Mickey Mantle Free Baseball Orer Form Reverse Side |