Hilton Collins Army
E-R Baseball Bat |
Item Details |
- 1918-1927
- Hilton Collins
Inc. Louisville
- 34"
Very Good -
Excellent Condition
Because of rarity
and the lack of a
sales history, value
is estimated based
on sales of like
baseball bats.
Provided by:
Congress, on June 3, 1916,
authorized the formation of the
Enlisted Reserve Corps as an auxiliary
of the regular Army. More than 80,000
Enlisted Reserve Corps or Regular Army
Reserve Soldiers served in World War I.
The Enlisted Reserve Corps was composed
of specially trained artisans from
various trades and vocations of the
business world. The object was to
obtain a high class of intelligent
specialists, and form them into various
units. In so, to be prepared that, in
the event of the Presidents calling for
their services, they will be ready to
render efficient service without
further training.
This Hilton Collins F.P 130 baseball bat was produced for the Army Enlisted
Reserve Stations around the
country. The bats were factory branded
on the barrel: "E-U.S.-R" centered,
with "Property Of The" above, and
"United States Army" below. The bats
were manufactured at the end of WWI, in
1918 or shortly after. In 1896 Hilton
Collins purchased land at Ormsby and
12th Street, in Louisville Kentucky,
where he would build a factory for the
production of Singletree, Doubletree,
Neck Yoke and irons. In
1918 the Hilton Collins Co. Inc.
had gone into the manufacture of
baseball bats and continued to do so up
until 1927.
Hilton Collins US Army
Enlisted Reserves Baseball Bat |