Spalding Gold
Medal Decal Baseball Bat |
Item Details |
- 1905-1908
A.G. Spalding
- $400.00-$600.00
Very Good -
Excellent condition
Value will vary
based on the
percentage of the
two decals
The Spalding line of "Gold Medal
Baseball Bats" were made available in
the catalogs from 1905-1918. The first
series sold from 1905-1908 featured a
Gold Medal Decal centered between the
Spalding Trademark logo decal to the
left, and the Spalding script branding
to the right, towards the barrel. In
1909 Spalding introduced the "Gold
Medal Autograph series." The Gold Medal
decal was removed and the signature of
a "Leading Player" was added below the
"Gold Medal" engraving, and above
"Autograph." From 1912 to 1918 the bats
simply reads: "Gold Medal" with the
model number below.
The Spalding Gold Medal series at $1.00 was among their highest priced
baseball bats. There were four catalog
models; No. GM, (Gold Medal plain bat,
Golden finish), No. GMT (Gold Medal
Taped Bat, white wax finish), No. GMP
("Professional" bat, special dark
finish), and the No. GMB (Gold Medal
plain bat, Golden finish, boys' sizes)
The boys' model was .50 cents. The
catalog model numbers did not appear on
any of the 1905-1908 Gold Medal decal
The bat was advertised that "the popularity attained by the Spalding Gold
Medal Bats simply illustrates the fact
that in bat making something more than
mere manufacturing skill is necessary.
The man who makes the base ball
bat...... and when the knowledge and
skill required to shape it so, that the
balance is perfect....Something that
comes through experience, and we claim
that a bat-making career extending over
twenty-nine years, with unequalled
facilities at our command....Each bat
is passed under the critical eye of one
of the best known old-time base ball
players." (Albert Spalding)
The Gold Medal bats were carefully tested as to balance, shape, quality of
timber, weight finish, etc., before
being packed, and a Guarantee tag was
attached to each bat. The tag also
listed who turned the bat and the
inspectors name. The Guarantee tag
reads: "If this bat proves defective in
any particular, during this season in
which it is purchased, return with this
tag to any of our stores, or the dealer
from whom you purchased it."
Spalding Gold Medal
Decal baseball bat |
1912-1918 Gold Medal Bat |
Spalding Gold Medal
Guarantee tag |