The Don Mattingly STC -Sports and Toys
Concepts Inc. Baseball card sticker
came with the Don Mattingly Catch It!
Trainer Glove with Rebounding Tethered
Ball, and the Official 24" "Super Foam"
Bat-N- Ball Set. The "puffy" soft
flexible plastic blank back
sticker-card measures 2-5/8 by 3-3/4
inch, and pictures Don Mattingly
kneeling with bat in a pinstripe
uniform. The top left has the "STC"
logo, below right reads Don Mattingly.
The back of the product hang card pictures a blue glove with a different
baseball card, which has the same photo
used for the 1987 Topps baseball card.
Both STC sets were made in Taiwan for
and distributed by Sports & Toys
Concepts Inc., Hackensack NJ, Imported
by Y.C. Evergreen Inc., Norfork, VA.