- 1969
- Major League
Baseball Promotion
Up To 32"
- $20.00 - $40.00
Excellent-Near Mint
Commemorating the 100th
anniversary of professional baseball,
Major League Baseball introduced the
MLB logo in 1969. The logo was to be
placed on all officially licensed
products, thereafter. Campbell's soup
in conjunction with Major League
baseball helped promote the new logo
with a Campbell Kids Premium promotion.
In the exclusive Campbell premium
offer, twelve MLB collectibles were
made available for cash and 4 different
labels from Campbell's "Baseball Nine"
soups, that feature the Major League
emblem on the label.
The "Baseball Nine" soups included; Chicken Noodle, Chicken with Rice,
Chicken & Stars, Vegetable, Vegetarian
Vegetable, Chicken Vegetable, Turkey
Vegetable, Turkey Noodle, and Beef
Noodle. The twelve collectibles
Sluggers Ring -.50¢, Belt - $1.25,
Sunglasses - $2.50, Tankard - $6.95,
Training Shirts - $2.25, Batting Glove
- $1.00, Power Meter - $1.00,
Home Safe
Baseball Bank -
HOF Autograph Book - $1.25,
Watch -
Locker Bag - $3.75, and the
Ladies' Day Charm Bracelet - 50¢.
As advertised in Campbell Kids Baseball Premium Catalog; "You
can sport this elasticized belt
everywhere...with your uniform, at
school, at play. Red White and blue
with Major League Emblem on a bold
metal buckle. Junior belt fits up to
size 32. Get it for 4 different
labels from Campbell's "Baseball Nine"
Soups and $1.25. Or, 2 different labels
and $1.25 plus a ticket stub from any
major league baseball game."
1969 MLB Emblem Campbell Kids
Major League Baseball Belt |
MLB Belt Buckle Back |
MLB Belt Strap |
Campbell Kids Baseball
Premium Catalog |
June 1969 Boys Life
magazine advertisement |
Campbell Kids
Catalog Order
Blank |