"Casey At The Ball Game" 1914 Sheet Music |
"Casey at the ball
game" 1914 Sheet Music |
Item Details |
- 1914
- Marks-Goldsmith
Company Inc.
10.75" x 14"
- $35.00-$50.00
Very Good - Excellent condition
Provided by:

Words by J.E. Lean, and Music by
Ray Waters, the
sheet music for "Casey At The
Ball Game" was published by; the
Marks-Goldsmith Company Inc., Music
Publishers and Dealers, Washington DC,
in 1914. The cover sheet reads; "Casey
At The Ball Game" in blue ornate
lettering. The cover's back features a
sample to try on your piano, "The
Latest Craze" By Florence Long, and Geo
C. Polini. "Casey at The Ball Game" was
never recorded but performances did
make it to the vaudeville circuit for a
short time.
The song lyrics about "Bill Casey, ...an ardent baseball fan, ...always
sat behind the pan... and call all his
men by name" has similarities to the
real life Cincinnati Reds fan Lycurgus
McDowell who was known as "Casey"
McDowell was Known throughout Ohio for his passion for the game, was
declared by many to be the greatest
baseball fan on the globe. McDowell's
job as a railroad engineer enabled him
to see the Reds in Chicago, St. Louis
or New York, as he sat alone rooting
loyalty for his team. McDowell's name
was scarcely known among major league
ball players, all of whom he knew well
enough to call by their first names,
until Bob Bescher a Cincinnati Reds
ball player referred to him as "Casey
Jones," a 1912 song about a railroad
engineer. The name stuck.
Also in the Lyrics, the pitcher referred to as "Walter" is more than
likely Walter Johnson, the Senators
Hall of Fame pitcher of Washington,
where the song was published.
"Casey At
The Ball Game" 1914
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"Casey At The Bat"
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"Casey At The
bat" Back Page |
"Casey At The
Ball Game" - Lyrics 1914
Words by J.E. Lean, Music by Ray Waters
Bill Casey was a baseball
and ardent fan was he,
He always sat behind the pan,
Just to see, the one, two, three;
The strikes that put the batter out
And gave his team the game,
For then he'd raise a mighty short, [sic] shout
And call all his men by name
Chorus: Put them
over the corners Walter
play up the game shoot 'em in or shoot 'em out
It's all the same Now get that guy that has the smile,
He's sure to miss it by a mile,
Now that big mutt tho'ts on the bag;
We want to win the pennant flag,
And be the champions
Kate Jones a friend of Casey,
Came on a Monday to the park,
To see the home team win the game,
and to have a little lark.
She sat by Casey in the stand
Ate candy that he would bring;
And as they sat there hand in hand,
together the two would sing.
Chorus: Put them
over the corners Walter
play up the game shoot 'em in or shoot 'em out
It's all the same Now get that guy that has the smile,
He's sure to miss it by a mile,
Now that big mutt tho'ts on the bag;
We want to win the pennant flag,
And be the champions